
Image optimization: what it means and why it’s important.

Image optimization refers to reducing the size of the image along with its format and dimension without compromising its quality. This helps with the loading speed of a website and its overall performance.

Images are used in almost every website these days, if a website has a larger sized image then it will take more time to load. With image optimization, the loading speed will be lower which will then contribute to the ranking and accessibility of the website.

How important are images for SEO?


Images have become a crucial element of websites which affect the overall user experience, ranking, and visual appeal of a website. Here is the data that shows how important images are for SEO and why: 

  • 40% of Google search shows images which then allow users to explore the website associated with the image.
  • Images are a key factor in influencing customers and users in the e-commerce industry.
  • Images play a vital role in keeping the users engaged with the website.

Google itself prioritizes websites that can load fast. This can only happen if the images are quick to load and the Google search engine can find and read them easily. This will ensure your page has better ranking and it will come up on top if users search for the relative topic. 

How to Optimize Images for SEO

Image optimization requires a good platform where you can easily compress and optimize the images without altering their overall quality. is one such platform that allows you to optimize images for SEO and can help you improve your ranking and boost the accessibility of your website.

Here are some tips that can help you optimize the images for SEO: 

Resize image and reduce image size: 

This is called scaling of the image where you lower the image size. Ideally, the image size may be 1920x1080p which will need to scale down so it works well for the website without slowing down the load time. The image size shouldn’t be scaled down so much that it loses its original quality.

Choose the right image file type: 

You must select the right image file type that can help you engage better with the customers. The right image type or format can help you boost your ranking as it will deliver clear and good-quality images. 

There are many formats to choose from and you can easily find one that suits your website needs. Here are some of the major file types that you should know about: 

  • JPEG: This format type is compatible with most devices which makes it pretty common to use. It preserves the image’s hues for better results. On the downside, this format uses lossy compression which means some data will be lost so it may not be a good choice for detailed images.
  • PNG: this one too is a universally compatible format like JPEG. The key benefit of this file format is that it uses lossless compression which preserves the original quality of the image without any data loss. However, PNG files are larger than JPEG files which may increase the loading time for websites.
  • SVG: if you are working with logos, animated elements, or diagrams then this one is the best option. It works with vectors instead of pixels to contract images.
  • WebP: with a high size-reducing ability, WebP is becoming more and more popular these days. The size can be vastly reduced without losing the original quality.

Optimize File Names: 

File names can also make a huge difference when it comes to search results. So make sure to use relevant keywords so Google can read and search your pics so it pops first and on top. 

  • Make sure to use the target keyword at the beginning of the name
  • Use hyphens instead of underscores to separate texts
  • Use names that are relevant for humans as well as search engines.

Image Title: Image title is also a key element to boost the engagement of your web page. Make sure to use the call to action under the pics such as “download now” or “buy now”.

Use Responsive Images

Responsive images result in a better user experience with their ability to adapt to the screen size and resolution. This makes the image compatible with any device and viewers will get a good quality image without any blurring or stretching.

Optimize image SEO with offers a wide range of tools and options that can cater to your optimization needs for SEO and boost your website ranking. There are three distinct compression options; High Quality, Balanced, and minimum Quality so you can achieve the ideal size and quality of the images. offers flexibility with the options of image compression with zip format so you can share and organize the pics. Moreover, it also offers an added benefit of privacy as all the pics will be deleted within 60 minutes of uploading. 

At last, whether you are a professional photographer trying to upload high-quality images by reducing their size or a business owner trying to boost the SEO ranking and reach, will cater to your every need!